One of the worst myths out there about bankruptcy is the assumption there’s no way you can get a car loan if you need one after filing bankruptcy. People end up paying what little cash they can scrape together for a horrible car that ends up being more trouble than it’s worth. Please know it is possible to get a car loan in spite of a bankruptcy, but you have to find the right kind of lender who offers a bankruptcy car loan.
It’s true that many lenders won’t approve a car loan for you if you have a bankruptcy case open or even if it’s discharged for a couple years. But there are other lenders who will work with you on a bankruptcy car loan. The interest rate on the loan is going to be higher, but that’s the extra price you have to pay for being what lenders think is a higher-risk customer.
Related post: 12 Bankruptcy Myths Busted
At Day One Credit we are experts at finding the best possible bankruptcy car loans in order to help our customers purchase high-quality used cars. We are not lawyers, we do not give legal advice, and nothing we say should be taken as legal advice. Your first step in anything related to bankruptcy should always be seeking the advice and counsel of a qualified bankruptcy attorney.