Most people understand very little about bankruptcy, which is why some resist filing bankruptcy even when it would be the best thing for them to do. One of the biggest myths out there is that people just assume filing bankruptcy means they’re going to lose everything. Not true!
Bankruptcy laws were designed to help you either eliminate or catch up on your debts, and to do so while making sure you get to keep what you need, including your house, a vehicle to drive, your retirement fund, and all the basic personal possessions you need.
But if you have tons of debts and also have lots of assets that don’t fall within what the courts think you need, then they’re going to want to sell those off to pay the creditors you owe. Bankruptcy laws get very complex around what assets you’re allowed to protect and keep, and which ones would be liquidated to pay off some or all of your debts. And this also varies from state to state. This is why you need the guidance of an experienced, reputable bankruptcy attorney to guide you through the process.
Related post: 12 Bankruptcy Myths Busted
At Day One Credit we are experts at finding the best possible bankruptcy car loans in order to help our customers purchase high-quality used cars. We are not lawyers, we do not give legal advice, and nothing we say should be taken as legal advice. Your first step in anything related to bankruptcy should always be seeking the advice and counsel of a qualified bankruptcy attorney.